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Dissertation Title Page | Tips & Examples

by Florius

This article about the title page is part of the series on how to write your dissertation. Every dissertation, thesis or research paper starts with a title page that explains in one glance what it is about, and who wrote it. Each university should have its own specific template (e.g. template from KU Leuven), but in the case that it does not, be sure that your title page contains at least the following elements:

Title page template from the ETH Zurich university
Title page template from the ETH Zurich university

1. Title page format

It is often the case that the university has a specific format for the dissertation, including the title page. Check your university’s website for a Word, or Latex template. Another case might be that the format is dependent on the citation style that you are using. Certain styles have guidelines on how alignment, page numbering and other elements.

2. Examples and templates

Below you find several examples from different universities. You can use these as a template for your own title page, or take a look at Overleaf, they have a gallery full of templates for you to use. I personally wrote it using their online software, and I can recommend it.

Title page, from the university of Groningen
Example of a title page, from the University of Groningen
Example of a title page, from the NIT Warangal BTech
Example of a title page, from the NIT Warangal BTech
Example of a title page, from the universidad autonoma de baja california
Example of a title page, from the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California

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