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Dissertation List of Abbreviations | Tips and Example

by Florius

The list of abbreviations is part of the series on how to write your dissertation and it goes directly after your table of content. It compiles all the abbreviations and acronyms that you used in your dissertation along with their meanings. These lists are not mandatory, you may want to include it, as it makes the whole package more organized.

If you only used a few abbreviations, this list is not needed. However, it is never a bad idea to include it when you use numerous abbreviations.

  • An acronym is formed from the first letter(s) of each word, such as: United States of America (USA).
  • An abbreviation is a short form of a word, such as Professor (Prof.).

The first time you use the word in a phrase, you write it in full and place the abbreviation or acronym in parentheses after it. From that moment on, you can use the short version everywhere in the text.

1. Example

For APA style papers the format should be the following:

  • Be double-spaced, even when we talk about headings.
  • Include a header with a pagenumber throughout your text.
  • Have 0.5 inch indentation at the beginning of each new paragraph.
  • have margins of 1 inch on all sides of your paper.
  • be typed in Times New Roman, size 12pt or Arial, size 11pt.


AFM                Antiferromagnet

AN                   Anisotropy Constant

EPM                Electron Probe Microscopy

FM                   Ferromagnet

FMR                Ferromagnetic Resonance

GMR               Giant Magnetoresistance

Hc                   Critical Field

IP                    In-Plane

KD                  Demagnetizing Factor

MFM              Magnetic Force Microscopy

MH                 Hysteresis Magnetization

Ms                  Saturation Magnetization

MTJ                Magnetic Tunnel Junction

OOP               Out-Of-Plane

SP-STT          Spin-Polarized Spin-Transfer Torque

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