Featured image of I2C for PIC microcontrollers

I2C for PIC Microcontrollers

In this article, we will take a closer look at the I2C serial communication protocol. This is the second in a series of three articles covering serial communication; the others

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Featured image of using PWM in PIC16F877A
Core tutorial

Using PWM in PIC16F877A

Digital signals (0 or 1) and analog signals (range of values) are both used in electronics. Analog inputs can be converted to digital through an ADC. To control analog devices

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Featured image of connecting PIC16F877A with LEDS
Display tutorial

Connecting PIC16F877A with LEDs

In this tutorial we will explore the concept of connecting your microcontroller with LEDs. This exercise is ideal for beginners who want to gain insight into the practical application of

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