How to email a professor
As a student, you receive and send out many emails every day, so this should not be that difficult at first glance. However, writing an email to a professor requires some etiquette, as it is different from from sending emails to your friends and family. These tips should help you ...
APA Referencing | Explanation and Examples
This guide on APA referencing is based on the 7th Edition of the APA manual. The reference list contains all the sources that you have used throughout your work.
Common Knowledge
Sometimes, you might feel that you are referencing too much, and that all those references are in fact just common knowledge. This might be true, but is a tricky topic. Because what is common for you, might be the opposite for someone else.
10 Best Motivational Quotes
Most things in life are never easy, neither is the student life (especially right before your exams). To get through these tough times, try remember an important personal principle or get inspired by everything around you. Motivational quotes might sound boring to you, but the right quote at the right ...
Capitalize important words
There are two different ways to capitilize a sentence.
1) Write every major word with a capital letter (title casing).
2) Write only the first word of the sentence with a capital letter (sentence case)
Not all words ...
Citation or paraphrasing?
When doing research, it is important to understand the difference between citation and paraphrasing. While it may be tempting to simply copy and paste text from sources, this is not only considered plagiarism, but it also undermines the credibility of your own work.
MLA Referencing | Explanation and Examples
This guide on MLA referencing is based on the 9th edition of the MLA handbook, published by Modern Language Association. It is similar for each type of entry. MLA consists of 9 core elements, which are color coded in the text below to make it more visible.
IEEE Referencing | Explanation and Examples
This guide on IEEE referencing is based on the IEEE Editorial Style Manual for Authors, 2019, published by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The IEEE style is used mainly for publications related to engineering, electronics and IT. It has different structure for each entry.