Dissertation Table of Content | Tips and Example
The table of contents (ToC) is located between the abstract and introduction of your dissertation. It includes all chapters and section headers of your document, along with their corresponding page numbers. To keep it clear and readable, it should not exceed two pages in length. If you find that it ...
Dissertation Abstract | Tips and Examples
The abstract is part of the series on how to write your dissertation. An abstract is a short summary that outlines all important parts of your research. It is situated in between the acknowledgements and table of content. It is slightly different from a summary that only states what the ...
Dissertation Preface / Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples
It is important to check with your university to see if there are any requirements or limitations to the word count. In most cases there are very few requirements, as they know doing a thesis or dissertation takes a lot of effort and you want to thank everyone. Unlike the ...
Dissertation Title Page | Tips & Examples
Every dissertation, thesis or research paper starts with a title page that explains in one glance what it is about, and who wrote it. Each university should have its own specific template, but in the case that it does not, you can use the template listed below. The title page ...
Dissertation | Examples and templates
You end your degree with a written assignment for your research project. Depending on where you live in the world, a dissertation could be the final assignment of your PhD or it can be interchangeable with a 'thesis', which is your research project you require to complete your undergraduate or ...