3-phase IGBT-inverter – Working principles
In this article the 3-phase IGBT inverter and its functional operation are discussed. In order to realize the 3-phase output from a circuit employing dc as the input voltage, a 3-phase (IGBT) inverter has to be used. The inverter is build of switching devices, thus the way in which the ...
PID control on PIC microcontroller
For decades, the PID control system has stood as one of the industry's most established and widely adopted strategies, owing to its straightforward yet efficient algorithm. Within this article, we'll delve into the fundamental concept of the PID controller and explore how to imbed it into microcontrollers.
PID tuning methods
Rule-based PID tuning methods asssume that there is a system response that can be put into an easy mathematical description. The characteristics of this response can be derived from experiments by either putting a step response on an open loop, or by tuning a closed loop system in a certain ...
3 phase AC systems
In this article we take a closer look at the three phase power system. I will begin with giving you an overview of the differences between the two types of systems, namely the star connection and the delta connection. The sebsequent two sections will go more in-depth into the equations, ...
Types of AC Motors – Working Principles
Motors are primarily categorized as either AC or DC, with further classifcation based on their inherent rotation characteristics. In this article, we will commence by explaining the operation of the induction AC motor. The subsequent section delves into another type, specifically the synchronous AC motor. Finally we will provide an ...
Brushless Vs Brushed DC Motors: Which to choose
Motors are primarily categorized as either AC or DC, with further classification based on their inherent rotation characteristics. In this article, we will commence by explaining the operation of the brushed DC motor. The subsequent section delves into another type, specifically the brushless DC motor. Finally, we will provide an ...
Controlling Stepper Motors with Microcontrollers
The basic principle behind a motor lies in the conversion of electrical energy into rotational mechanical movement. This can manifest as either continuous or step-wise rotation, allowing for precise control. In this context, the stepper motor stands out for its ability to stop at any given position and maintain it.