This guide on APA referencing is based on the 7th Edition of the APA manual. It covers APA references for various sources in detail and is divided into six sections for easy navigation. Use the menu to navigate to the appropriate section for your reference needs.
I suggest reading the other posts for a more in-depth understanding and additional examples on each topic:
Author, A. B. (year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher Name. DOI (if available)
Stero, R. (2011). The Pyramids: Life of cleo. Harvard University Press.
Editor, E. E. (Ed.). (year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher. DOI (if available)
Zimmerman, M., & Pero, J. (Eds.). (2012). A great newsflash. Brewer.
Author, A. B. (year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle (E. Editor, Ed.). Publisher. DOI (if available)
Clay, T. (2017). In memory of Rosemary (C. Shannigan, Ed.). Brewer. (Original work published 1459-70)
Author, A. B. (year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle (T. Translator, Trans.). Publisher. (Original work published YEAR) DOI (if available)
Homer (1989). The travelers companion (A. Noima & P. Woody, Trans.). Harvard Publishing Company. (Original work published ca. 485-465 BCE)
Author, A. B. (year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle (# edition). Publisher. DOI (if available)
Bomer, F. (2019). A journal to success (2nd ed.). Harvard University Press.
Author, A. B., & Author, C. D. (year of publication). Title of chapter. In E. E. Editor & F. F. Editor (Eds.), Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle (pp. pages of chapter). Publisher. DOI (if available)
Pete, D. (2019). The intro. In G. Liebzig & F. Flushi (Eds.), The ending of the introductive reasoning (pp. 154-193). Harvard UP
Author, A. B. (year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle (Vol. #). Publisher. DOI (if available)
Homer, J. (Eds.). (2011). The tyrant of the Nordic vilages (7th ed.,Vol. B). W. Hemmor and Company.
Other printed sources
the APA7 manual does not provide specific guidelines on the how to exactly cite Dictionaries, Thesauruses, Encyclopedias, Dissertation abstracts and conference proceedings. Therefore, I use a citation model that closely resembles that specific format and is very similar, as is also done by the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL).
Institution or organization name. (year). Title of entry. In Title of reference work (edition, page numbers). Publisher name.
Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. (1999). Widow. In Merriam Webster’s collegiate dictionary (11th ed., pp. 912-913). Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.
Lastname, A. B. (year). Title of entry. In A. B. Lastname (ed.), Title of reference work (edition, page numbers). Publisher.
Swindler, R. (2011). Cultural heritage and the divine arts. In A. L. Stokes (ed.), Encyclopedia of arts (pp. 2-5). Brewster.
In the reference list provide the Primary source that as any other source:
Peel, P. (2022). What is housing? Peacekeepers, 4(1), 25-33.
Note: Provide in-text citation with the Secondary source in the following way:
Afron and Guitterez argued that …. (as cited in Peel, 2022).
Surname, A. B. (year). Title of dissertation/thesis (Publication No.) [Doctoral dissertation/Master’s thesis, Name of Institution Awarding the Degree]. Database or Archive Name.
Feka, E. B. (2019). Neural science in breakthrough physics (Publication No. 334324) [Doctoral dissertation, KU Leuven]. Online Dissertations Publishing.
Surname, A. V. (year). Title of dissertation/thesis [Unpublished doctoral dissertation/master’s thesis]. Name of Institution Awarding the Degree.
Jones, P. (2011). Inhumain strength found in humanoids [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. KU Leuven.
Name of Act, Public Law No. (year). URL
Privacy Act, Publ. L. No. 1-14, 12 Stat. 249 (2012). act.pdf
Organization Name. (year). Title of report. URL
WHO. (2012). Performance and Health report: Year 2019.
Surname, A. B., & Surname, C. D. (year). Title of report. Organization Name. URL
Pole, J., Quitterez, P., & Jones, K. (2018). Mental health issues found in men. National Mental Illness Organization.
Surname, A. B., & Surname, D. C. (Eds.). (year). Title of Proceedings. Publisher.
Gasly, R., & Verstoppen, J. (Eds.). (2022). Proceedings of the 23th annual Motor international conference on the F1 car speed. ACD Library.
Electronic sources
Lastname, A. B. (Year, Month Date). Title of page. Site name. URL
Jones, F. (2011, March 21). Florisera is the best. Blogposters.
Group name. (Year, Month Date). Title of page. Site name. URL
WHO. (2011, November 21). Health concerns in men.
Lastname, A. B. (n.d.). Title of page. Site name. URL
Jones, F. (n.d.). Florisera is the best. Blogposters.
Title of article. (Year, Month Date). In Wikipedia. URL of archived version of page
WordPress. (2019, November 12). In Wikipedia.
Lastname, F. M., & Lastname, F. M. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Vol.(Issue), page numbers. DOI
Jones, T., & Washinton, D. (2006). Development of unborn babies. Psychology of foundlings, 23(2), 16-110.
See the article above (with DOI) and replace it with the URL.
If the content of the E-book is the same as a published paper version, there is no need to mention that it is an ebook edition. Only mention it if the content is different
Lastname, F. M. (Year). Title of book. Publisher. URL
Lastname, F. M. (Year). Title of book [eBook edition]. Publisher. URL
Lastname, F. M. (Year). Title of book (N. Narrator, Narr.) [Audiobook]. Publisher. URL (if applicable)
Lastname, F. M. (Year). Title of dissertation or thesis (Publication No.) [Doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis, Name of Institution Awarding Degree]. Database Name.
Druidos, P. (2011). Facebooks mentality versus young children in aggressive modes (Publication No. 5454351) [Doctoral dissertation, University of California]. Online Dissertations and Theses Global.
Lastname, F. M. (Year, Month Date). Title of presentation [Lecture notes, PowerPoint slides, etc]. Publisher. URL
Jones, P. (2011, November 12). Quantum mechanics in a nutshell [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare.
Emails are not part of the reference list, but should be parenthetically cited in the text.
(E. Jones, personal communication, February 14, 1999).
Lastname, F. M. or Name of Group [@username]. (Year, Month Date). Content of the post up to the first 20 words[Tweet/type of post]. Site Name. URL
Last Name, F. M. [Username]. (Year, Month Date). Title of video [Video]. Streaming Service. URL
Marentelli, K. [Mario123]. (2017, June 13). Pizza talent tree [Video]. YouTube.
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Date). Title of talk [Video]. TED. URL
Tearring, N. (2011, June). Seafood is great [Video]. TED.
Host, A. A. (Host). (Year, Month Date). Title of episode (No. if provided) [Audio podcast episode]. In Name of podcast. Publisher. URL
Jones, K. (Host). (2011, March 3).Formula 1:Verstoppen [Audio podcast episode]. The Boordradio. NYC Studios.
Audio/Visual sources
Director, D. D. (Director). (Date of publication). Title of motion picture [Translated Title (if applicable)] [Film]. Production company.
Delta, Q. (Director). (2011). Don’t Return! [Film]. Warnerbross Pictures.
Executive Producer, P. P. (Executive Producer). (Date range of release). Title of series [TV series]. Production company(s).
Pedro, A. (Executive Producer). (2017-present). The flying students [TV series]. Amazon Studios.
Host, A. A. (Host). (Year, Month Date). Title of episode (No. if provided) [Audio podcast episode]. In Name of podcast. Publisher. URL
Jones, K. (Host). (2011, March 3).Formula 1:Verstoppen [Audio podcast episode]. The Boordradio. NYC Studios.
Last Name, F. M. [Username]. (Year, Month Date). Title of video [Video]. Streaming Service. URL
Marentelli, K. [Mario123]. (2017, June 13). Pizza talent tree [Video]. YouTube.
Recording artist. (Year of release). Title of album [Album]. Record label.
The Crumbs. (2011). How to find bread [Album]. 3DD.
Recording artist. (Year of release). Title of song [Song]. On Title of album [Album].
Lupi, P. (2018). The orcestra [Song]. On Firenight [Album]. Liquid Records.
Artist, A. (Year of release). Title of artwork [medium]. Name of museum, City, State, Country. URL of museum
Van Gogh, R. (1942). Nightwatch [Painting]. Rikjsmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Photographer, P. (Year of publication). Title of photograph [Photograph]. Source. URL
Seacrest, S. (2011). Seesight in Florida [Photograph]. New York Times.
Other non-print sources
Contributor, A. A., Contributor, B. B., Contributor, C. C., & Contributor, D. D. (Year, Month Day). Title of contribution [Description of contribution]. Title of Symposium/Conference, Location.
Jones, A. (2011, Dec. 6). Fine needle syndrom in puberty [Conference session]. Dozers 2017 Conference, MIT, California, FL, United States.
Contributor, A. A., Contributor, B. B., Contributor, C. C., & Contributor, D. D. (Year, Month Day). Title of contribution [Description of contribution]. Title of Symposium/Conference, Location. URL
Jones, C. (2017, April 11). How to solve the mystery of life [Address]. TEDxEssex, Essex, U.K.
Jones, S., Chang, M., & Bones, Q. (2011). The health syndrom of adult men [Unpublished manuscript]. Department of Medicine, University of California.
Jones, A. (2011). Firefighter’s secret guide on starting unwanted fires [Manuscript in preparation]. Department of Sociopsychology, KU Leuven.
Jones, Q. (2011). Most haunted mansion in the USA [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Department of Literature, University of Chicago.
Legal sources
- Title of name of case:
- E.g. Trump v. The State
- Citations in law refers to the volume and pages in books where the case decisions are being published.
- Jurisdiction of the court are in parentheses
- E.g. US Supreme court, Chicago Court of Appeals
- Date of decision is in the same parentheses as the jurisdiction
- Add an URL when possible.
The in-text citations are (first element of the reference list, year). Keep in mind that these legal sources have the title in italics, this should also be for the in-text citations.
Name v. Name, Volume # U.S. Page # (Year). URL
Name v. Name, Volume # F. [or F.2d, F.3d] Page # (Court Year). URL
Name v. Name, Volume # F. Supp. Page # (Court Year). URL
Name v. Name, Volume # Reporter Page # (Court Year). URL
Name of Act, Title # Source § Section # (Year). URL
Title of testimony, ### Cong. (Year) (testimony of Testifier Name). URL
### cong. = congress, and is usually something like 15th Cong.
S. Res. ###, ### Cong., Volume # Cong. Rec. Page # (Year) (enacted). URL
S. stands for Senate, and can be replaced by H.R for House of Representatives.
Res. ### stands for the resolution number.
“Volume #” should be fully replaced with only the digits of the volume number
cong. = congress, and is usually something like 15th Cong.
Title or Number, Volume # C.F.R. § ### (Year). URL
“Volume #” should be fully replaced with only the digits of the volume number.
§ ###stands for section number.
Title or Number, Volume # F.R. Page (proposed Month Day, Year) (to be codified at Volume # C.F.R. § ###). URL
“Volume #” should be fully replaced with only the digits of the volume number.
§ ###stands for section number.
U.S. Const. art. ###, § x.
### stands for the article number.
x stands for the section number.
U.S. Const. amend. ###
### is the amendment number, if this has been repealed, please add (repealed Year) at the end of the ref.
U.N. Charter art. ##, para. ##.
## stands for the article and paragraph numbers.
Name of Treaty or Convention, Month Day, Year, URL
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