It is vital that you make a good impression during your interview. There are certain communicating and professional skills that can help you succeed. These interview skills coupled with your personal attributes allow you to be more effective throughout the interview. In this article you find a list of 30 soft skills that interviewers can ask of your.
These skills require supporting facts from your professional experiences. That is why it is important to think carefully about each one, before you put them on your CV. It is a trend to omit these soft skills all together from your CV, as they become clear during the interview.
Examples of skills that job interviewers look for
Adaptability | Change behaviors or opinions |
Leadership | Gain respect and compliance via behavior or arguments |
Persuasion | Persuade and convince |
Teamwork | Work harmoniously with a group |
Self-confidence | Assert personality in a comfortable way |
Creativity | Imagine and propose innovative solutions to solve the problems |
Delegation | Involve others, share responsibilities |
Accessibility | Be available for others mentally and physically |
Listening skills | Listen to others problems, viewpoints… |
Commitment | Invest energy and your own self to obtain outcomes |
Perseverance | Provide continuous efforts |
Availability | Be ready to change workplaces, hours, missions, etc. |
Motivation | Orient interests, energy to achieve an objective |
Negotiation skills | Find solutions satisfactory for all parties involved |
Decisiveness | Act in a timely, considered manner |
Organization | Prepare and execute work efficiently in a logic way |
Accept Feedback | React well on criticism from others |
Teaching skills | Clearly explain processes |
Emotional stability | Remain calm and rational, resist stress, etc. |
Rigor | Demonstrate method and exactness |
Cooperation | Reconcile own objectives, behaviors with other people’s |
Analytic skills | Grasp and organize details |
Perception | Grasp overall picture |
Autonomy | Find solutions on one’s own |
Initiative | Propose and/or act beyond one’s strict responsibility |
Writing skills | Clarity, articulateness… |
Speaking skills | Clarity, articulateness… |
Verbs that best describe experiences
These are some of the verbs that you can use when describing your own academical experiences. They make your interview discussion more professional as well, which is always helpful.
accomplished achieved acquired activated adapted addressed adjusted administered advanced advised advocated allocated anticipated approved arranged articulated assembled assigned assisted attained authored automated balanced briefed built calculated carried out catalogued chaired changed charted clarified classified coached collected communicated compared completed | composed computed computerized conceptualized conceived concluded conducted conserved consolidated constructed contained continued contracted contributed controlled convened conveyed convinced corrected corresponded counseled created critiqued cut decided decreased defined delegated delivered demonstrated determined detected discovered dispatched distinguished distributed diversified doubled | drafted earned edited educated eliminated enabled encouraged engineered enhanced enlisted ensured estimated evaluated examined executed expanded expedited explained explored extracted facilitated familiarized finalized focused forecast formed formulated found founded gathered generated graded guided handled headed up helped illustrated implemented | improved increased influenced initiated innovated inspected instilled instructed insured integrated interpreted interviewed introduced invented launched lectured led located managed manufactured marketed mastered mediated moderated modified motivated negotiated offered operated ordered organized originated outlined outsold overhauled oversaw performed persuaded | predicted prescribed presented presided processed produced programmed projected promoted proposed proved provided publicized published purchased rated reconciled recorded recruited reduced referred regulated rehabilitated related remodeled removed reorganized repaired reported represented researched restored restructured retrieved revamped reversed revised revitalized | saved scheduled screened selected serviced set up simplified skilled sold solidified solved staged stimulated streamlined strengthened structured suggested summarized supported surpassed systemized tabulated targeted taught teamed with trained transformed translated traveled trimmed tripled united upgraded validated verified worked wrote |
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