Reference & Citations overview

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When writing a manuscript or an article, you will have to deal with citations, references and creating a reference list. That can be cumbersome and complicated. That is why every topic will be explained in great detail, including examples to help you start. If you rather use a citation manager app, there are several citation generators, such as Mendeley, websites such as CiteThisForMe or MyBib, and it can even be done in MS Word. But it is always helpful to know what you are doing!

What is a Source?

Where can I find these sources?

  • Web of Science (formerly known as Web of Knowledge), is a database of online resources, such as journals, books, etc.
  • Your university most likely has a paid subscription to a variety of journals that you access online.
  • Certain large journals, such as Nature Communication, have their articles accessable online for free.
  • Your local (university) library.

Traditionally, sources were mostly books, journals, encyclopedias, and other published materials. However, with the advent of the internet, the definition of a source has been expanded to include online resources such as e-books, online libraries, videos, and audio material. These resources can be classified as physical (printed) or online (digital) or text-based or visual/audio-based. It ultimately comes down to a resource from which you can obtain an intellectual idea that is not your own[1]Suny Empire State College “Types of information sources,”, 24 October, 2022. [online] Available: [Accessed: … Continue reading.

It is quite common nowadays to listen to podcasts. They have topics from science to sport and can be a great source of information.


When using an online article or book, their complete reference is normally listed on the journal’s webpage!

Citation versus Reference

Both in-text citations and references serve as pointers to sources of information in academic texts. They are closely related, with the source being within the text, either through a number or author name pointing to a reference list, which is typically found at the end of the main text.

When using an intellectual idea from someone else, it is important to reference the source. This is typically done using a shorthand notation within your own written text, referred to as an in-text citation. Different referencing styles, such as the IEEE style, have different ways of using in-text citations. These citations can also serve as signals to the reader, indicating that a source is being used [2]“Signal and Lead-in Phrases,” [online] Available:[Accessed: 5 … Continue reading. For example, including the author’s name in the phrase that introduces the topic, such as “Fink et al. argued that…”.

When using a direct quotation from a source, it is important to enclose the text in quotation marks. When paraphrasing or summarizing a source, it is still necessary to cite it, but quotation marks are not needed. However, there is an important difference between paraphrasing and citation, which should be carefully considered.

It is not necessary to cite your own intellectual ideas or work unless they have been previously published [3]Suny Empire State College “Types of information sources,”, 24 October, 2022. [online] Available: … Continue reading. Similarly, common knowledge, or information that the reader does not need to look up, does not need to be cited [4]“What is Common Knowledge,” [online] Available: [Accessed: 10 November, 2022]..

At the end of your work, it is essential to include a reference list or bibliography that provides detailed information on how to locate the original sources.

Why citations?

References and citations are important to use in academic writing for several reasons:

  1. To give credit to the original authors of the ideas and information used in the work. This is a basic principle of academic integrity and helps to avoid plagiarism.

  2. To allow readers to locate the original sources and conduct further research. This enhances the credibility of the work and allows readers to fact-check and verify the information presented.

  3. To demonstrate the breadth and depth of the research conducted. A well-referenced work shows that the author has done their due diligence and has a good understanding of the literature on the topic.

  4. To provide context and background information. Citations and references can provide additional context and background information to help readers understand the significance of the ideas presented in the work.

  5. To support the arguments and claims made in the work. Citing sources can provide evidence and support for the arguments and claims made in the work, making it more convincing and credible.

  6. To comply with academic conventions and guidelines. In most academic fields, it is expected that work will be properly referenced and cited, failure to do so is considered as a violation of academic integrity. Faculty members of your university have access to “turnitin“, which checks your work against other articles, millions of websites, papers, etc.

Different Referencing Styles

Since there is no universal referencing style, it is important to check your university’s guidelines when choosing which one to use. The best approach is to ask your professor or teaching assistant which style they prefer. If there is no specific guidance, it is recommended to use the APA style and maintain consistency throughout your work.

In this section, we will provide a brief overview of different referencing styles. By following the links provided, you can access more detailed guides with plenty of examples. Each guide includes information on how to cite in-text, how to correctly cite your sources, and the format for the bibliography list. Additionally, a full-page example is provided to help you get started.

APA style:

The American Psychological Association (APA) style is primarily used for studies in the fields of psychology, history, economics, and political science. The APA updates their style every few years, and currently, the 7th edition is in use.

IEEE style:

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) style is mainly used for studies in the fields of electronics, electrical engineering, software, and IT. The IEEE style guide provides all the information and examples you need to properly cite any work. The guidelines are based on the latest manual, published in 2019.

MLA style:

The Modern Language Association (MLA) style is primarily used for studies in the fields of arts and humanities. The MLA style guide provides all the information and examples you need to properly cite any work. This guide is based on the 9th edition of the MLA handbook.

Other styles

More styles still upcoming, please send me a request if your preferred style is missing.

Reference list and bibliography

A reference list (or Work Cited list) is where you provide all the details of your sources in an organized fashion. The information of each source includes:

  • Author
  • Title of the work
  • Date
  • Container
  • Location (where you found it).

The entries are either labelled with a number in the order of when it first appeared in the context, or in an alphabetical order according to the surname of the author. Each style has its own format, such as APA, IEEE and MLA formatting styles.


Presenting someone else’s work or intellectual ideas as your own without proper citation constitutes plagiarism, whether it is done with or without the original author’s permission. This applies to all forms of published and non-published work, such as reports. Plagiarism is a serious disciplinary offense and can result in penalties, including suspension from studies. There are several forms of plagiarism, and even if it is unintentional, there may still be an academic penalty for poor citation practices.

It is important to note that the use of references and citations is not limited to texts, but applies to all types of media, such as computer code, websites, manuscripts, or a fellow student’s report.

To avoid plagiarism and ensure academic integrity, it is essential to start learning proper citation techniques early on in your academic career. When first starting as a student, it may feel overwhelming to have to cite everything, and reports may become cluttered with citations. This is normal, and it shows that you are actively engaging with the topic. With time and experience, you will learn how to think critically and assess which arguments are most relevant, allowing you to draw your own conclusions.

Key takeaways

  • A source contains an intellectual idea that is not your own. When you use the concept in your own work, you need to use citations to refer to it.
  • There are different referencing styles, depending on your study and university, such as IEEE/APA/MLA/etc.
  • Each reference style has a bibliography that contains information on all the used sources.
  • Failing to cite, can lead to plagiarism, which can result in academic penalties.

References & Links

1 Suny Empire State College “Types of information sources,”, 24 October, 2022. [online] Available: [Accessed: 5 November, 2022].
2 “Signal and Lead-in Phrases,” [online] Available:[Accessed: 5 November, 2022].
3 Suny Empire State College “Types of information sources,”, 24 October, 2022. [online] Available: [Accessed: 5 November, 2022].
4 “What is Common Knowledge,” [online] Available: [Accessed: 10 November, 2022].

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