About me

My backstory


My love for learning began with my undergraduate studies in electronics, a field that perfectly blended my interests in physics and hands-on experimentation. I then had the opportunity to continue my education in a similar field, but in a completely different country and among a diverse group of classmates. Though I cherished my time as a student, I realized that there were still many aspects of academia that I had to look up in the beginning, such as the proper way to email a professor.

As I embarked on my PhD journey, I quickly learned that the pursuit of knowledge never truly ends. I am constantly challenged with new and complex questions that don’t have clear answers, but it’s my job to make sense of them. This means sifting through data, finding solutions and developing theories that can explain it. It’s a demanding experience, but one that I highly recommend to anyone who is determined to succeed. It has allowed me to meet new people in a foreign country, immerse myself in different cultures, and become more self-sufficient and confident in taking on projects and making them my own.

It’s not an easy path, but the rewards are well worth the effort. My one piece of advice: learn to love coffee or tea, because you’ll be needing it.

The future of this platform

My website is dedicated to providing early-career students with a one-stop shop for information and resources. My goal is to make it easy for students to access the information they need, without having to search all over the web. I believe that by consolidating information in one place, students will be able to save time and focus on their studies. In the future, I plan to expand the website to include more diverse resources, such as career advice, networking opportunities, and a community forum. My ultimate goal is to empower students to take control of their academic and professional journey.



PhD Candidate

As a researcher in condensed matter physics, my research encompasses utilizing extremely high magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation with infrared wavelengths. Through the process of writing academic papers and my dissertation, I have acquired a significant amount of knowledge and expertise that I would like to share with others.
