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I’ve combined a  list of all important links that may be useful for you in your academic career. This list will be constantly updated.

Citations & References

  • Mendeley Software: a free reference manager and academic social network. Organize, cite, collaborate and discover research papers and sources.
  • Scribbr: Improve your writing & get professional proofreading & editing services at Scribbr. Expert editors for academic papers, theses & dissertations.



  • Instructables: Learn DIY skills, create projects & share knowledge on Instructables. Discover various topics from electronics to cooking and more.
  • Wikipedia: Wikipedia: the free online encyclopedia with articles on various subjects, written collaboratively by volunteers around the world. Do not use this as reference though!
  • Amazon: Amazon sells everything, from study books to sport wear.
  • TopUniversity: Discover top universities, courses and more.
  • AcademicPositions: Search & apply for academic jobs, postdoctoral positions & PhD studentships on AcademicPositions. Find your next career move in academia.
  • Job employment: Everything that may be useful for interviews and finding jobs.
  • The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): This website offers a wide range of resources for students, including information on citation styles (such as APA, MLA, and IEEE), grammar and punctuation, and writing different types of papers.
  • GradHacker: This website is a blog that provides tips and advice for graduate students on a variety of topics, including time management, productivity, and staying motivated.
  • The Chronicle of Higher Education: This website offers news and information for those in higher education, including articles on academic careers, funding, research, and teaching.
  • The Study Skills Hub: This website offers a wide range of resources for students, including study skills, time management, test-taking strategies, and more.
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